Feral Dove is a DIY small press & a collection of online magazines.

The press has a specific focus on highlighting raw work that is uncompromising & immediate. Feral Dove also has an emphasis on challenging traditional book design. When you get the latest release from Feral Dove you will be holding a book with cover & interior design that aims to communicate with the writer's text to create a lasting physical work.

The Feral Dove Magazine features the newest experiements in visual cyberwriting. The Feral Dove Film Notebook is a place for writing on film-making and film-viewing.

Feral Dove Books & the magazines are edited, designed, & published by Evan Femino (website) - with occasional editorial and visual design collaborators.

Founded 2020 in Seattle, WA. Re-located in 2023. Currently based in Bangor, Maine.

If you are a bookseller and would like to carry Feral Dove titles, & for all press inquiries - please CONTACT: feraldove@protonmail.com


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