Feral Dove Magazine is a place for the newest experiments in cyber writing. This magazine has an emphasis on visual cyber writing, but all kinds of work are welcome.
Send submissions to:
Rolling submissions all year round. Around 1 - 3 new pieces usually posted each month.
docx, pdf, png, GIF, jpeg, mpeg, mov, wav, etc. etc.
All genres considered.
Submitted work that is accepted will typically be responded to within 1 hour to 6 months.
Only submit work that has not been previously published elsewhere.
Previously published work is okay if the original publisher of the piece is now defunct/out of print, or if you previously self-published the piece but now would like to showcase it here.
Multiple different submissions to Feral Dove is fine. Send in your best work as you make it.
Not all submitted work will be responded to.
Writers retain all rights to accepted work.
The digital magazine is meant as a revolving showcase of noteworthy written & visual work being made now.
The magazine is edited by Evan Femino.
Thank you to all who take the time to submit their creative work. You are why the magazine exists.
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